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Custom Steel Post & Cable Fence Options: Create your own fence design, Columbia Cascade will produce it. View: Custom TimberForm Sign Structure Options: With our input, create your own TimberForm sign design. Columbia Cascade will produce it for you. View: Custom Powder-coated Steel Tree Grates Options: Create your own tree grate design and Columbia Cascade will produce it for you. View: Custom RePlay Fence Standard Features: Custom fencing using RePlay 100% post-consumer recycled HDPE plastic timber posts and powder-coated steel fencing sections with graphic panels. Options: Contact us for applicable drawings and other possible configurations. View: |
TimberForm Contemporary Fence 52426 Standard Features: Seasoned 8 x 8 F.O.H.C. Douglas fir timbers All timber posts preservatively treated after all fabrication completed Shown for permanent pedestal (surface) mounting applications Options: Also supplied for embedment (permanent) mounting Square embedded post ends are MaxTreat processed prior to treatment View: Custom RePlay Entry Gate Standard Features: Custom entry gate using RePlay 100% post-consumer recycled HDPE plastic timbers. Options: Contact us for applicable drawings and other possible plastic timber gate configurations. We are recycled HDPE fabrication specialists. View: Custom "Green Wall"
Timber Trellis Options: Specify this or create your own unique trellis design, Columbia Cascade will produce it. View: Custom Fence, National Park Service Standard Features: Custom Fence, Washington, DC Produced for the National Park Service Options: Modify one of our designs or create your own. Columbia Cascade will produce it for you. View: |
Custom PipeLine Decorative Fence Options: Custom fencing using components from Columbia Cascade's PipeLine playground equipment. View: Custom Powder-coated Steel Trench Grates Options: Create your own trench or drain grate design and Columbia Cascade will produce it for you. View: Custom Timber Pavilion Standard Features: Contact us for drawings and other possibile Pavilion configurations. We are timber fabrication specialists. View: Custom Gazebo Options: Modify one of our designs or create your own. Columbia Cascade will produce it for you. View: |
Custom Bandshell Options: Modify one of our designs or create your own. Columbia Cascade will produce it for you. View: Custom Kiosk (2189) Standard Features: Custom Kiosk, Washington, DC Produced for the National Park Service Options: We'll help you create your own unique design,then we'll produce it for you. View: |
Copyright 2025, Columbia Cascade Company, Camas, WA 98607 U.S.A. All rights reserved.
All original product designs illustrated herein are the intellectual property of Columbia Cascade Company and copyright in the year of their creation.
All original product designs illustrated herein are the intellectual property of Columbia Cascade Company and copyright in the year of their creation.